Friday, April 4, 2008

8 Useful Tips - Dieting Motivation

Get dieting motivation

Surely, you have tried countless diets in the past only to fail. You've gotten rid of the snacks around the house and the box of Twinkies hidden in the drawer at work. Commonly, a few weeks into your diet, your motivation begins to halt and you are back at square one. Possibly you have hit a plateau in your progress of losing weight, or you're bored with tasteless vegetables for dinner everyday. I am sure you have been tempted by a special dessert; you decide that it can hurt you this once. A couple agonizing failures and you're totally lost, physically and emotionally. Maybe all along you haven't had the right dieting motivation. Here are 8 helpful dieting motivation tips:

Tip 1: Set Realistic Goals

The first step to staying with your motivation should take place before you ever cut a single calorie. Start your goals of slow and take baby steps to reach them.

Tip 2: Go Slow

Diet success is a lifestyle change and it most certainly doesn't happen overnight.

Tip 3: Expect Setbacks

Everyone is likely to give into temptation from time to time. The danger isn't a single setback it's a series of setbacks.

Tip 4: Don't Be a Perfectionist

Don't worry about every little detail that is contained in the food you are eating, just think healthy and don't spend so much time worrying. This is key to dieting motivation

Tip 5: Use the Buddy System

Ask you friends or family member to help lose weight. Chances are they will be inclined to start losing weight with you.

Tip 6: Be Patient

One of the major diet motivation-busters is the horrifying weight loss plateau. You've been doing everything right, exercising and eating well, and the numbers on the scale have been steadily declining.

Tip 7: Reward Yourself

Dieting is hard work - have a little fun and reward yourself at the end of the week.

Tip 8: Have a Maintenance Plan

Many people, losing weight is far easier than keeping it off. It's a lifestyle change.

Losing Weight Begins With Counting Calories